Tri Astoto Kurniawan, Ir., S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

  • FILKOM UB, Jl. Veteran No 8
    Gedung F, Lt.5, R. F5.2
  • triak [at] ub [dot] ac [dot] id

Tri Astoto Kurniawan lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur. Pendidikan menengahnya diselesaikan di SMPN 5 dan SMAN 3, keduanya di Malang. Pendidikan sarjana (S1) bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik diselesaikan di Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Brawijaya pada tahun 1995. Selanjutnya, pendidikan magister (S2) bidang Real Time Software Engineering diselesaikan di Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) pada tahun 2000, melalui beasiswa dari PT. Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) Bandung. Sedangkan pendidikan doktor (S3) bidang Software Engineering diselesaikan di School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia pada tahun 2014, melalui beasiswa dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI. Selanjutnya, pendidikan profesi insinyur (Ir) bidang Teknik Elektro dan Informatika diselesaikan di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) pada tahun 2022.

Sebelum bergabung dengan Universitas Brawijaya sebagai dosen, karir sebagai praktisi pernah dijalaninya selama beberapa tahun di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PT. DI, dahulu bernama PT. IPTN) Bandung. Aircraft Lightning Test Engineer adalah karir awal yang dijalaninya pada tahun 1996 – 1997. Selanjutnya, pada 1997 beliau dipromosikan sebagai Software Engineer (Analyst), bersamaan dengan rencana pengembangan pesawat jet N2130 di PT. IPTN pada saat itu. Pada akhirnya, mulai akhir tahun 2003, beliau bergabung sebagai dosen di Universitas Brawijaya Malang hingga saat ini.

Jurnal Internasional

Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A., Ramdani, F. 2020. Quality Evaluation of EPC to BPMN Business Process Model Transformation. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 2 vol. 5, pp. 207-220
Kurniawan, T.A., Lê, L.S., Priyambadha, B. 2020. Challenges in Developing Sequence Diagrams (UML). Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 2 vol. 5, pp. 221-234
Haris. M.S., Kurniawan, T.A., Ramdani, F. 2020. Automated Features Extraction from Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Documents as The Basis of Software Product Line (SPL) Engineering. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 3 vol. 5, pp. 279-292
Kurniawan, T.A., Rusdianto, D.S., Brata, A.H., Amalia, F., Santoso, A., Raharjo, D.I.N.R.P. 2020. An Exploratory Study of Requirements Engineering Practices in Indonesia – Part 2: Efforts, Processes and Techniques. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 1 vol. 5, pp. 65-74
Hadi, H.N., Kurniawan, T.A., Aknuranda, I. 2019. Plug-in for Annotating Semantic Effect on BPMN Business Process Models. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 2 vol. 4, pp. 116-126
Kurniawan, T.A., Rusdianto, D.S., Brata, A.H., Amalia, F., Santoso, A., Raharjo, D.I.N.R.P. 2019. An Exploratory Study of Requirements Engineering Practices in Indonesia – Part 1: Concepts and Problems. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS), 1 vol. 4, pp. 90-102
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A. 2018. Business Process Model Transformation Techniques: A Comprehensive Survey. Advanced Science Letters, 11 vol. 24, pp. 8606-8612

Prosiding Internasional

Le, D.T., Nguyen, T.V., Lê, L.S., Kurniawan, T.A. 2020. Reinforcing Service Level Agreements in Tourism Sector: The Role of Blockchain and Mobile Computing.
In: Marchese, M., Lê, L.S, Dao, B., Toulouse, M., Thoai, N. (eds) , Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, pp. 160-164. 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications. Quy Nhon (online), Vietnam, Nov 2020. IEEE Computer Society
Purbo, T.S., Kurniawan, T.A. 2020. Survey of automated meeting scheduling approaches.
In: Budi, A.S, Adinugroho, S. (eds) , Proceedings of Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), pp. 29–34. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2020). Malang (online), Indonesia, Nov 2020. ACM Digital Library
Haris, M.S., Kurniawan, T.A. 2020. Automated requirement sentences extraction from software requirement specification document.
In: Budi, A.S, Adinugroho, S. (eds) , Proceedings of Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), pp. 142–147. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2020). Malang (online), Indonesia, Nov 2020. ACM Digital Library
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A. 2019. Transforming EPC Aris Markup Language Into BPMN Metadata.
In: Adinugroho, S., Wirawan, I.P.W.W. (eds) , Proceedings of Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), 2019, pp. 358-363. The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2019). Lombok, Indonesia, Sep 2019. IEEE Xplore
Khudori, A.N., Santoso, A., Zayn, A.R., Kurniawan, T.A. 2016. On Comparing Smart City Assesment Frameworks.
In: Ramdani, F., Tolle, H., Pradana, F., Syauqy, D. (eds) , Proceedings of Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), 2016, pp. 63-68. The 1st International Conference on Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2016). Malang, Indonesia, Oct 2016. Malang : FILKOM UB
Hadi, H.N., Kurniawan, T.A. 2016. Analysis and Design of Parking Negotiation System using MaSE Methodology.
In: Ramdani, F., Tolle, H., Pradana, F., Syauqy, D. (eds) , Proceedings of Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), 2016, pp. 34-39. The 1st International Conference on Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2016). Malang, Indonesia, Oct 2016. Malang : FILKOM UB
Kurniawan, T.A., Ghose, A.K. , Le, L.S. 2013. Resolving Violations in Inter-Process Relationships in Business Process Ecosystems.
In: Ghose, A., Zhu, H., Yu, Q., Delis, A., Sheng, Q. Z., Perrin, O., Wang, J., Wang, Y. (eds) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.7759, pp. 332-343. Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2012 Workshops. Shanghai, China, Nov 2012. Springer-Verlag
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K., Lê, L., Dam, H. K. 2012. On Formalizing Inter-process Relationships.
In: Daniel, F., Barkaoui, K., Dustdar, S. (eds) , Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 100, pp. 75-86. The 1st International Workshop on Process Model Collections – PMC 2011. Clermont-Ferrand, France, Aug 2011. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K., Dam, H. K., Lê, L. 2012. Relationship-Preserving Change Propagation in Process Ecosystems.
In: Liu, C., Ludwig, H., Toumani, F., Yu, Q. (eds) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 7636, pp. 63-78. The 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2012. Shanghai, China, Nov 2012. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K, Dam, H. K., Lê, L., Zhang, T. 2012. Design Maintenance in Process Eco-systems.
In: Moser, L., Parashar, M., Hung, P. (eds) , IEEE Services Computing, pp. 392-399. The IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing – SCC 2012. Hawaii, USA, Jun 2012. California : IEEE Computer Society Press
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K, Lê, L. 2011. A Framework for Optimizing Inter-operating Business Process Portfolio.
In: Pokorny, J., Repa, V., Richta, K., Wojtkowski, W., Linger, H., Barry, C., Lang, M (eds) , Information Systems Development, pp. 383-396. The 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development – ISD 2010. Prague, Czech Republic, Aug 2010. New York : Springer

Jurnal Nasional

Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi
Kurniawan, T.A. 2018. Pemodelan Use Case (UML): Evaluasi Terhadap beberapa Kesalahan dalam Praktik. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK), 1 vol. 5, pp. 77-86
Kurniawan, T.A. 2017. Taksonomi dan Formalisasi Relasi antar Model Proses Bisnis Berbasis Anotasi Efek. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK), 3 vol. 4, pp. 185-193

Pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak Menggunakan Framework Serum (SPM-Serum)

Researchers: Santoso, N., Kurniawan, T. A., Primananda, R., Amalia, F., Brata, A.H., Kusuma, A. W., Faizah, N.

Studi Eksplorasi terhadap Praktik Requirements Engineering dalam Proses Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak di Indonesia

Researchers: Kurniawan, T. A., Rusdianto, D.S., Brata, A.H., Amalia, F., Santoso, A., Raharjo, D. I. N. R. P.

P-Gamelan* : Process Ecosystem Views to Managing Changes in Business Process Repositories

Researchers: Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A.K.

A business process is a collection of activities designed to provide an output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how the work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product’s focus on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. Most medium to large organizations support large collections of process designs modeled through various business process modeling languages such as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). They are usually stored in business process repositories. These are typically characterized by the following features: (i) the number, scale and complexity of the processes are large (i.e. hundreds to thousands of models); (ii) the processes are often interdependent; (iii) changes to any one process are likely to impact several other processes and (iv) there are multiple alternative ways in which changes might be implemented.

Dealing with such complex process repositories is not a trivial task. In this research, we argue that a formal process ecosystem view can provide a particularly useful solution to the problem. In our conception of process ecosystem, process designs play a role analogous to that of biological entities in a biological ecosystem (i.e. they can be created, modified, eventually discarded). As biological ecosystems always try to get their equilibria, this framework maintain inter-process dependency constraints to get process ecosystems equilibria. Hence, P-Gamelan framework relies on such metaphor to represent a choreography of processes within a repository, analogous to a set of instruments choreography in a gamelan. This consolidating view of the complete landscape of business processes would yield some advantages for the organizations, e.g. avoiding inconsistencies between process models, achieving global optimization among the related process models.

Obviously, process analysts need a suitable supporting tool to perform such complex business process management. Some useful BPM tools have been developed carefully and used by some companies for managing their business process models, e.g. ARIS1, APROMORE2, ADONIS3. They have partially or entirely the following features including creation, modification and deletion, filtering/searching and evaluation of the process models. However, there are still open issues to be addressed: (i) process repository management requires the establishment and maintenance of a repertoire of relationships between process designs, such as generalization-specialization, part-whole, inter-operation, abstraction-refinement and resource-sharing; (ii) such repository may also contain designs that are partial or incomplete that need to be detected and rationalized; (iii) process improvements may lead into a contradictory situation among related process models which requires a particular resolution and (iv) changes on a single process model likely need to be propagated to the other related models in order to maintain their relationships.

This research will attempt to deal with such issues. We build the P-Gamelan framework based upon semantic effect-annotated process models represented in BPMN, i.e. process models in which every activity has been annotated with its corresponding effects. An effect annotation relates to a particular result or outcome to an activity in a process model. Hence, we are interested in the following research questions: (i) how can we formalize inter-process relationships in semantic effect-annotated business process models?; (ii) how can we maintain the normative inter-process relationship between a pair of process models?; (iii) how can we maintain the equilibrium of a process ecosystem due to process changes? and (iv) how can we facilitate the process analysts in dealing with process optimization?. We will provide the P-Gamelan with the following key capabilities, i.e. process repository management, process rationalization, process optimization and process change management including process redesign. By developing this framework, we do not intent to replace the role of process analysts, but we will assist them with an analyst-mediated process management tool.


* P-Gamelan stands for 'Process Gamelan'. Gamelan is a traditional musical ensemble from Indonesia, featuring a variety of instruments. It is composed of a number of instruments as a distinct object, arranged and tuned to stay together.


Semantically Effect Annotated Business Process Model

Researchers: Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A.K.

A business process is a collection of activities designed to provide an output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how the work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product’s focus on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. This usually is represented in diagram using particular business process modeling techniques, e.g. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). The current tools supporting such modeling techniques focus on the process ordering and coordination semantics of business process. We will not be able to determine, at design time, the effects of process execution up to a certain point in the model. Hence, we extend the current process modeling techniques with the semantic effect annotation on business processes.


An effect annotation relates to a particular result/outcome to an activity in a process. An activity represents the work performed within a process. Activities are either atomic (called a task) or compound (called a sub-process). In an annotated BPMN process model, as our approach relies on, we annotate each activity with its (immediate) effects. We define the immediate effects as the immediate results/outcomes of executing an activity in a process. This annotation allows us to determine, at design time, the effects of process execution up to a certain point in the model. These effects are necessarily non-deterministic, since a process might have taken one of many possible alternative paths through a model to get to that point, called as effect scenarios. We define a procedure for pair-wise effect accumulation, which, given an ordered pair of activities with their corresponding effect annotations, determines the cumulative effects after both activities have been executed in a contiguous sequence. In a process model, there would be many effect scenarios which are introduced by AND-joins or XOR-joins or OR-joins. We accumulate effects through a left-to-right pass of a participant lane, applying the pair-wise effect accumulation procedure on contiguous pairs of activities. We use Answer Set Programming (ASP) theorem prover for reasoning the effects being accumulated. Note that we do not consider the possibility of a pair of effect scenarios in AND-joins being inconsistent, since this would only happen in the case of obviously erroneously constructed models.

2021. Pelatihan Sistem Pengelolaan Nilai Kurikulum 2013 pada Guru-Guru Madrasah Aliyah di Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo.
Kurniawan, T.A., Santoso, N., Amalia, F., Brata, A.H., Nia, R.R., Afifah, N.
2021. Pelatihan Pemodelan Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak dengan Menggunakan Usecase Diagram.
Rusdianto, D.S., Arwan, A., Pradana, F., Kurniawan, T.A., Shalihin, N., Alfariz, M.S.
2021. Pemanfaatan Website Trello dalam Menunjang Pembelajaran Kolaboratif di Lingkungan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.
Amalia, F., Rusdianto, D.S., Pradana, F., Kurniawan, T.A., Wulandari, N.C., Faqih, A.F.H., Jatmiko, A.T.
2019. Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Mendeley untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Guru SMK di kota malang.
Amalia, F., Kurniawan, T.A., Rahayudi, B. , Brata, A.H., Syarifuddin, M., Murti, G.W.
2018. Pelatihan Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kota Malang.
Amalia, F., Kurniawan, T.A., Priyambadha, B., Brata, A.H., Syarifuddin, M., Murti, G.W.
2017. Pelatihan Manajemen Jaringan Dalam Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi Bagi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.
Rusdianto, D.S., Kurniawan, T.A., Arwan, A., Pinandito, A., Permata, A.D., Wildan
Data not available
Data not available


Nov 2012, The 2nd Australian Symposium on Services Research and Innovation (ASSRI). Sydney, Australia. Topic : A Framework for Process Ecosystem Management.
Nov 2012, The 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012). Shanghai, China. Topic : Relationship-Preserving Change Propagation in Process Ecosystems.
Nov 2012, The 8th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA'12), in conjunction with The 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012). Shanghai, China. Topic : Resolving Violations in Inter-Process Relationships in Business Process Ecosystems.
Aug 2011, The 1st International Workshop on Process Model Collections (PMC), in conjunction with The 9th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2011). Clermont-Ferrand, France. Topic : On Formalizing Inter-process Relationships.

External Reviewer

The IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2009), Sep 21 - Sep 25, 2009. Bangalore, India

Guest Lecturer

CSCI427 – Service Oriented Software Engineering. University of Wollongong (UoW), Australia. Topic : P-Gamelan: A Framework for Process Ecosystem Management. 2012.
CSCI927 – Service Oriented Software Engineering. University of Wollongong (UoW), Australia. Topic : Process Abstraction and Process Portfolio Management. 2009.
CSCI928 - Software Engineering Requirements & Specifications. University of Wollongong (UoW), Australia. Topic : Modeling System Interactions. 2009.


Jun 2014, Open Dialog Pakar Ekonomi dan Kedokteran dengan dosen PTIIK UB. Ruang A1.4
Feb 2014, Seminar Progres Lab RPL. PTIIK
Dec 2013, Workshop Roadmap Penelitian PTIIK . PTIIK